Wednesday, December 13, 2006

::Smiling Flower Wisdom::

James Figurine: "Apologies" music video
Run Time: 3min 52sec
Creator's Page: The Song is by James Figurine, Video By Die Versilberte Eitelkeit Animation Studio

This sweet little song got me humming along today whilst enjoying the eclectic grooves of my new favorite internet radio stream, dublab. The song comes from the brilliant James Figurine, one of the creative forces behind the groups Figurine and The Postal Service. When I found James on Myspace, I was delighted to discover his video was equally as cheering on this dark, blustery day. Music videos don't normally make the cut here. This one, however, features sweet & simple animation and... one of my own personal heroes, the Smiling Flower, and I just couldn't resist. Hope this one brings a little sunshine to your day as it did to mine!

If you didn't know, the Smiling Flower is one of the greatest Taoist teachers on this planet today. I have been working with the Flower and a cast of its closest friends in an attempt to capture a bit of the flowery wisdom. After losing a number of my crew members to various causes (all of them noble, I assure you), I have re-opened the Smiling Flower project and will be posting episodes from the series throughout the winter. ::stay tuned::


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